Separation Wall

A City Divided

If the olive trees knew the hand that planted them, their oil would become tears. Mahmoud Darwish

I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighters gun in the other. Yasser Arafat

The Second Intifada (uprising) Don't Kneel

Q. Why do you throw stones at the soldiers when they shoot you with tear gas and bullets? A. I don't know what I can do but I must do something

Nothing is harder on the soul than the smell of dreams when they are evaporating. Mahmoud Darwish

And I tell myself, a moon will rise from my darkness. Mahmoud Darwish

I have forgotten the sound of the waves I have forgotten the taste of fish by the sea I have forgotten the smell of salt water I have forgotten the smell of salt water But I remember playing is the sea at Jaffa I remember fishing with my family

We teach life after they have built their settlements and apartheid walls, after the last skies. Rafeef Ziadah